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Additional Resources

Constitutional Amendments: 1789 to the Present Kris E. Palmer, ed., Gale Group, 2000.

Petitioner’s Brief, Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition U.S. Department of Justice, 2000. Available at http://www.usdoj.gov/osg/briefs/2000/3mer/2mer/2000-0795.mer.aa.html.

State Internet Laws Face a Different Constitutional Challenge Kaplan, Carl S., The New York Times, July 2, 1999.

U.S. Supreme Court Considering Law on ‘Virtual Child Porn.’ Kleder, Martha, Culture and Family Institute. Available at http://cultureandfamily.org/report/2001-11-08/n_childporn.shtml

West Encyclopedia of American Law. Theresa J. Lippert, ed., West Group, 1998.


American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004 USA
Phone: (212) 549-2500
URL: http://www.aclu.org
Primary Contact: Nadine Strossen, Pres.

American Family Association

P.O. Box 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803 USA
Phone: (662) 844-5036
Fax: (662) 842-7798
URL: http://www.afa.net
Primary Contact: Donald E. Wildmon, Pres.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20535-0001 USA
Phone: (202) 324-3000
Fax: ()
URL: http://www.fbi.gov
Primary Contact: Robert S. Mueller III, Dir.

Inside Additional Resources